The hyper-local currency is back
City of Fribourg
Until 31/12/2023

LE BLEU is a hyper-local currency that – beyond its monetary value – engages socio-economic/cultural values.
On the one hand, the ‘bleu’ wishes to promote and strengthen the commitment of volunteers who, together, form a major force in our local economy and are often underrepresented in calculations, statistics and budgets. This means in practice: The volunteers who commit to the bluefactory neighborhood receive bleus!
On the other hand, blue aims to highlight businesses that operate in the circular economy and in transversality with the other values mentioned below. This means in practice: The remunerated volunteers can use their bleus at the places taking part in the evolving network !
The set of values on which the bleu is based is oriented towards the DNA of the bluefactory neighborhood, carrying its principles outside the site:
- low carbon
- circular economy
- social and environmental co-responsibility (responding to the SDGs)
- cultural commitment
Le bleu aims to create a network of practitioners at the intersection of these themes. The list of businesses accepting the bleu is listed below. The cooperation with Kariyon enables a simple and easy accessible operation.
The currency designed by the graphic designer Christoph Frey was launched in 2022 during the FAB – forum of associations and volunteering – initiative of the CENT platform (culture & entrepreneurship) in partnership with SOIN (social innovation), two “extended culture” platforms of the cultural management of the bluefactory neighborhood.
LES MENTEURS – Bluefactory area – Passage du Cardinal 1
Les Menteurs is not only a restaurant with a sensitivity to the origin of products, but also a place that brings people together around cultural events both, as an organizer and/or co-producer, and carries social thinking in its employer role.
Bio26 – Route du Jura 10
Le local, local… this shop only offers organic products made by local producers. These products are also used in the in-house bistro. Bio26 is organized as a cooperative and wants to bring together producers and consumers in order to promote local and sustainable food production.
LE PETIT PARADIS – Rue du Tilleul 23
It’s true, it’s small and it’s heavenly: Organic, local, consistent products and a friendly management who knows how to convey the “good feeling” to customers. The inclusive policy of the place defines the choice of products but also that of staff. And very often customers become collaborators – it’s completely participatory! Moreover, even being limited in surface, a whole part is devoted to information about other responsible structures and cultural events that are supported simply by the presence given to them.
CIBOULETTE – different places in the city of Fribourg
La Ciboulette means products of the market prepared with the heart and the multitalents of Catherine, all vegetarian in protection of the environment. Her great interest in culture makes many events tastier with her caterings. This project was born at bluefactory within the cultural activities and participates in the community life of the hood. It has become a meeting point, where one stops not only to buy food, but also to stand in line for a better world.
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