
Key figures

Board of Directors



Founded in 2014, BFF SA aims to develop, build, operate, promote, and bring life to the innovation district located on the former site of the Cardinal brewery. It is the sole owner of the bluefactory site, with the Canton and the City of Fribourg being equal shareholders.

Key figures








Competence centers & clusters


(site area according to PAC)


BFF SA’s mission is to develop, build, operate, promote, and bring life to the bluefactory innovation district. Its main objective is to build and lease low-carbon surfaces for companies and technological platforms that meet the requirements of its charter. Five thematic pillars (see diagram) structure the development of the site’s activities around a clearly defined vision:

In the heart of the canton’s capital, this site with its industrial DNA aims to become a gold standard for sustainable development, bringing innovation to life and continuously testing its limits in all dimensions, whether scientific, industrial, social, or cultural.

A pioneer in the habitat of the future, bluefactory aims to create synergies, unite interdisciplinary solutions, and facilitate industrial partnerships. It acts as an incubator of ideas and synergies, connecting all the companies located on the site with project leaders and partners. To accelerate innovation, it can count on the presence of EPFL Fribourg, technological platforms from the University of Engineering and Architecture (HEIA-FR) and the University of Fribourg. Labelled low carbon, bluefactory is cited as an example in its efforts to promote sustainable development and the circular economy. Thanks to its innovative water management programme, it is to be Switzerland’s first Sponge City.

Board of Directors


Specific contacts

Management and administration

Cultural events ⋅ Neighbourhood life

Rental of office spaces and prototyping rooms



Photo of the president
Jacques Boschung

Photos of the director
Philippe Jemmely

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